BLOGS: Womble Carlyle Has Impact

Friday, March 31, 2017, 3:19 PM

New Report: Sustainable Investments Grow by 25 percent Worldwide from 2014-16

Globally, sustainable investment assets have increased in value by 25 percent since 2014.

According to the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance’s Global Sustainable Investment Review 2016, “there are now $22.89 trillion of assets being professionally managed under responsible investment strategies.”

The sustainable investment market has grown fastest in Japan during this two-year span, with Australia/New Zealand and Canada also showing particularly rapid growth.

Europe experienced 12 percent growth from 2014-16 and has a total globally sustainable asset base of $12.04 trillion. In the U.S., Impact Economy investing is up 33 percent in the time span to $8.72 trillion. Canada experienced a 49 percent increase to $1.09 billion.

The report defines sustainable investing as “an investment approach that considers environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in portfolio selection and management…. Sustainable investment encompasses the following activities and strategies:

  • Negative/exclusionary screening
  • Positive/best-in-class screening
  • Norms-based screening
  • Integration of ESG factors
  • Sustainability themed investing
  • Impact/community investing and
  • Corporate engagement and shareholder action.”

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Friday, March 10, 2017, 11:14 AM

New Project by Jacki Zehner Collects 400 Research Reports on Issues Impacting Women & Girls

With the world recognizing International Women’s Day earlier this week, investor/philanthropist Jacki Zehner has complied a comprehensive study on research into gender equity and women’s inclusion, empowerment and leadership.

In the study, titled “Top Reports on Women and Girls: Supporting Gender Lens Giving and Investing,” Zehner aggregates 400 reports across 18 different categories, all of which show work being done on behalf of women and girls.

This report provides a wealth of information for impact economy investors looking to improve the lives of women and girls. As Zehner says, when she was a Goldman Sachs trader, she “relied heavily on research to inform my investment decisions.” This project can guide future giving and investing in ways that have maximum benefit.
Click here to read “Top Reports on Women and Girls: Supporting Gender Lens Giving and Investing.”
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